Location-based AR

Location-based AR, also known as Geolocated Augmented Reality, reveals virtual content when the user reaches a specific location in the world.

This technology is suitable for digital scavenger hunts, where the user has to find specific locations. Another use case is tourism, where information is provided for important landmarks. A very popular example of location-based AR is Pokemon Go, which introduced an AR hype in 2016.

How does it work? The main source for registration is GPS (Global Positioning System). It is available on every phone and provides the world position. A drawback is that the orientation is not good enough for many augmented reality applications. VPS (Visual Position System) improves the accuracy of the registration.

These frameworks provide location-based AR solutions for Unity:

Service Locator: a simple alternative to Singletons

Service Locator: a simple alternative to Singletons

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